miércoles, 1 de octubre de 2014

About me.

Hi ! I'm Omar Daniel Leon-Alvarado, I am Biologist from the Universidad Industrial de Santander, Colombia. My crush in Biology are Mammals, specially bats (Chiroptera), for several years I been study bats and helping as a field work assistant in researches related with ecology, diversity and echolocation. Also I been work with genitalia in porcupines and bats, and I have skills in programming, specially in R language, where now I'm working on my second package, and also I know the bases for programming in Python and Shell.

My thesis work was developed at Laboratorio de Sistemática y Biogeografía, were I worked prioritizing areas for conservation purposes based on Phylogenetic Diversity indices. During this time, I had training on phylogenetic reconstruction under different approaches, phylogenetic compared method, calibration, historic biogeography and Bayesian statistics.

Until know, my main interests are focused on Taxonomic, Systematic, Evolution and Conservation of New World Bats, specially the Nosed-leaf bats (Phyllostomidae), however, I've also interest in the impact and response of bat to environmental changes.

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